Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Moves And The Back to the Wall Drill

Four Magic Moves And The Back to the Wall Drill

A drill that will instantly tell you whether you need to learn the Four Magic Moves To Winning Golf.

If you swing the club too far to the inside during your backswing this drill will tell you. Most amatuers yank the club to the inside during the backswing putting the swing immediately off plane. The result is a golf swing that is too flat.

The Back To Wall Drill:

The drill will tell you if you have a overly flat swing. First and foremost, check your ball position and your distance to the ball at address, as this symptom is the most common cause of a shank. Remember guys; try to work on fixing your fundamentals first before using drills to fix your problems. I cannot stress this enough; most swing faults start with poor fundamentals.

Find a wall that you can set up too. Have your butt approximately six inches away from the wall (Don't do this drill using a nice wall or you may find yourself in the doghouse with your spouse).

To take a full swing with the wall in the way your path will need to become more upright. Take slow swings to start, and work on getting to the top and back to the ball without hitting the wall. It should feel different, but all new movements do. Work on swinging slowly until you can make a full swing without making contact with the wall.

Master this drill until you can do it every time without hitting the wall...
The early backward wrist break teaches you something pros never do - How to break the wrists during the back swing!

How To Drive A Golf Ball

The tee shot is the ego shot in golf. Learning how to drive a golf ball far is way up on the list for most beginning golfers. The only problem is most amateur and beginner golfers drive it way shorter than they want to, because their golf swing technique is not proper to encourage longer golf drives.

Strengthen Your Golf Grip

One very effective way to quickly improve driving distance is to have a proper golf grip. The preference is a strong one so you can rotate the clubface over through impact encouraging a draw and more yards when it hits the ground.

Golf Ball Position Forward

To promote maximum launch angle you need an ascending blow on the golf ball. Positioning it up in your stance, just inside your left heel will make it much easier to hit "up on the ball".

Spine Tilt

This is where beginner golfers screw up. Instead of a spine angle away from the target at impact, many have either a vertical one, or even worse, one that is more towards the target, encouraging a descending blow resulting in pop ups.

That's just a few simple golf tips to get you on the right track to hitting your golf drives long and straight. 

How To Drive A Golf Ball
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