Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Beginner Golf Tips

The beginner golfer is desperate for knowledge. To the point of trying nearly anything. 
On the net, Free Beginner Golf Tips are available every click you make. The only problem is the type of golf instruction may do more harm than good to your game. It all depends on the credibility of the source and the tip.


The grip is a basic fundamental of golf is the grip. It's the only contact you have with the club. Get it wrong and you'll never hit a good golf shot. Get it right, and you're well on your way to great golf.


Your golf posture is another very important aspect for beginner golfers. Bad posture inhibits your ability to make a full turn on both your backswing and follow through, resulting in compensations and mishits.

Ball Position

The Ball position is another critical fundamental to get right for a beginning golfer. So many get it wrong which results in swing faults like topped, thin, chunked, bladed, pulls and slices.

As you can see, seeking out FREE golf tips online will take up a lot of your time, but you may find a gem of a golf site that has a ton of great tips for golfers. 

Fixing A Golf Slice

Hitting a slice off the tee is both embarrassing and humiliating! When you're a slicer of the golf ball, you dread when it's your turn to get on the tee and hit your drive. It's time to get to fixing a golf slice and get it out of your game right now!

There are several reasons why you hit this ugly shot, and learning how to improve a golf slice will be painless and easy. You'll never need to take another golf lesson again to fix this miserable swing fault.

Golf Grip

Most slicers have a weak golf grip, which encourages your clubface to get to impact WIDE OPEN, and here we go...slice away! A simple correction of strengthening your grip, will make it nearly impossible to get to impact open with your clubface. In fact, you might be hitting a HOOK in a matter of just a couple of swings. Now wouldn't that be pretty cool, if you've been spending all your time off the right side of every fairway?

Golf Swing Takeaway

A slicer of the golf ball usually takes the club away from the body, separating from their core, which is a disconnected golf swing that encourages an "over-the-top" downswing. Try taking the club more straight back, or you might need to feel like you're taking it back to the inside right away.

The Golf Impact

The Impact is the moment of truth! A slice is caused by either an open clubface at impact, or a clubface that is coming across the ball creating sidespin. Try coming into the ball from the inside and with a slightly shut clubface and you'll quickly learn how to improve a golf slice in a matter of minutes.

Over The Top Downswing

One of the most common causes of a golf slice is the "over-the-top" downswing. This is when your shoulders start your downswing first, and they get out and ahead of the lower body, making it impossible to swing down from the inside, which is needed to fix a slice in golf. 

Fixing A Golf Slice

Tips For Effective Basic Golf Setup

A Golf setup is an important and very necessary thing you need to learn if you are trying to learn golf. If you have already crossed the beginner stage then go back to basics and examine your setup to make sure that you are doing it the right way.

Your swing depends entirely on your setup. Most of the golfers suffer due to faulty setup and several renowned golfers have said that it is the most basic thing that a golfer should address first if he wants to compete professionally.

And now if your setup is correct so you achieve a good shot even if your swing is not good but the reverse is definitely not true. You may have the best swing on earth but if you do not have a good setup you will never succeed. Setup or address positions distinguish what a good player has from a bad player or an amateur from a professional.

You would argue what are the benefits of a good setup position. I will explain in detail what are the benefits of a good setup or an address position. First and foremost what you want to achieve is the balance when you are swinging. That balance is achieved by foot placement and posture. The foot placement and posture is achieved by a correct address position. You go wrong in this and there will never be a good balance during the swing and that makes all the difference.

A setup defines how power you get from your swing and how much you can control the direction of the shot. Your setup defines the body angles at which you swing and that influence the path and angles of the shot.

There are several things that make up a perfect setup position. The alignment of a setup is one factor that will help you become a good golfer. You body means your head, shoulders, feet, arms, knees, hips and eyes should be in parallel to the target line.

Next comes your foot position which should be shoulder width apart for the middle irons. The ball position varies based on the type of iron you select. As far as the balance goes you must balance your weight on the balls of the feet as opposed to the toes or the heels.

Hopefully these special tips and tricks will help you get started on a good footing while beginning to play golf. 

Tips For Effective Basic Golf Setup

Golf Tips For Beginners

If you're a golfer just starting out, it can be a brutal game. To make a good golf swing, and to try to do it for 18 holes can be both humbling and frustrating. One of the best things you can do is search for golf tips for beginners. Just make sure you are utilizing credible sources, as there are many that have no business giving out tips, as they themselves cannot break 90.

Some of the tips you should be looking for are, how to grip a golf golf; golf swing takeaway; golf putting and chipping tips; as well as golf driving tips and backswing tips. That pretty much covers nearly all of the main things you need to get right in order to hit solid golf shots, and avoid the major faults of a golf slice, hitting fat shots, topping the ball, and over the top golf swing.

The great tip for your backswing is to take the club back in one-piece, meaning eliminate the wasteless breaking the wrists too early, and cocking the wrists with turning your shoulders. This is called "picking the club up" instead of rotating your shoulders and getting all that stored eneryg in your core, that will result in a higher clubhead speed, and ultimately distance.

A good golf driving tip is to tee the ball a little higher; play it more off your front foot; sweep the club back on the takeaway; and then hit the ball slightly coming up (ascending).

A golf chipping tip is to take your hands out of it. If you use your hands, it will involve too much timing, and some times you'll hit it thin; you'll chunk it; and even blade it over the green.

So as you can see, for a beginner golfer, tips can be very helpful. It can save you a ton of time, and frustration and wasted years of unenjoyment. 

Golf Tips For Beginners
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