Saturday, October 1, 2011

Naked Golf: An Experience of a Lifetime, Golf Club

Naked Golf: An Experience of a Lifetime

Have you played in a real golf course yet? If so, how many trips to the golf club have you done so far? Golfers enjoy their game as much as they enjoy the cool, green soil of the golf course. A lot of people enjoy this sport and a good number of them are men. Golf is actually everybody’s game. It is not at all fast-paced nor does it require too much strength. But then again, these are the same reasons why people think of it is as a boring activity. If you don’t find walking around the golf course to be a relaxing feat, why not pump up your blood with naked golf instead? Surely, every man would agree that this is the best golf game they have seen yet.

If there’s topless golf, there’s naked golf too. This latter is considered as the more extreme version of the former. And yes, Playboy is the entity behind it too. Trust Playboy to think of the most unlikely places where women should come in their birthday suits. The Playboy millionaire certainly has a lot of bright ideas in his old mind.

The concept of naked golf is something produced by this men’s magazine. But since they have ventured into home videos, you are most likely to enjoy the game from a disc. It’s better to watch than just to look at the events that transpired through the pages of the magazine. If you want to enjoy a game of naked golf, you might have to go to your favorite video store and get a copy.

While it’s possible to hold a real game, there’s yet to be a group that would sponsor one. Unlike topless golf, this one is something that requires a lot of permissions. Finding a place that would approve such extreme nudity is going to be quite a task. These are the reasons why you have to content yourself with the videos for now. Even though there are naked golf producers all around, most of them are more bent on capturing the events with their camera rather than physically inviting men to join the game.

Before one can hold such an event like naked golf, certain permits have to be secured from the city government. Given this fact, there are a whole lot of cities that don’t want to get involved in too much obscenity. While topless golf is almost acceptable, being totally naked is still a no-no. More so, even if the city officials had approved the event, there would always be residents that would oppose to the idea, causing conflict in the society. So in order to prevent disorder in the area, it is always best to go for the easy way out. And that is to decline naked golf requests altogether.

Depending upon the organizer, the naked golf participants may choose to wear a skimpy bikini for a bottom. It would look much like a topless golf even though, but it’s the closest they can get to get permission. That’s the only way one can play a round of naked golf. The pretty women in their nude self would proceed to run and walk around the golf course chasing their ball. As for the male participants, they really don’t have to win the game to get all the excitement that they want.

Improve Golf Swing With Good Posture, Golf Ball

Improve Golf Swing With Good Posture

The significance of your posture goes far beyond daily life. Your posture can alter, how you play your favorite sports. Actually, most sports need various types of posture in order to successful attain, the goal of winning the game. The sport of golf is not different, if you have bad posture within your golf game, than this will have a negative effect on your golf swing.

One of the best golf swing tips that anyone can receive is how to perfect, their posture to improve their golf game. The power, emphasis and accuracy of your golf swing lays within your posture, however, if your posture does not meet proper guidelines, than your overall game will be affected.

That you realize the importance of posture in your golf game, how can you attain the ideal posture? More importantly, what is the ideal golf posture? While many people feel that good golfing posture is simply lowering their chin to view the golf ball, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Never has there been a golfing technique that has the ability to be interpreted in such a wide variety of ways. While some feel that keeping your body drastically relaxed and unrestricted will give you perfect golfing posture, other believe that a rigid stance and stiff upper body movement is the ideal posture. However, both of these beliefs are half true and half false.

The optimal golfing posture is notably easy to find, all it takes is an noticing of how your body is positioned. To set your body up for good posture, you must remember three key elements. The first is always keeping your back straight. This will allow you to keenly include all of your core muscles that are found in your torso.

Never allow your back to sag, or hunch over. This will actually weaken your golf swing, and throw your accuracy completely off. Next, always make sure that you bend your upper body at the hips. How you can achieve this is by sticking out your backside as if you are going to be sitting in a chair and then bend slightly forward. Make sure that you don’t arch your back, always keeping a strong and aligned spine. After performing this, allow your arms to hang down in front of you.

Always make sure that you evenly distribute your weight throughout your legs. Keep your knees bent, but allow them to be flexible enough to give your legs a spring to them. It is common for this posture to feel awkward at first; however, desired posture always feels more intense than it really is. Although, if you are feeling any pain in your lower back, make sure that your quadriceps are absorbing all of your body’s weight. Keep your feet extremely steadfast, and your shoulders and arms unconstrained and in a natural state.

Golf swing tips are a dime a dozen, however, here comes a tip that many people aren’t aware of, and that is what do you do with your head? Never allow your head to stay focused on the ground the entire time. This will wreck your golf game, and cause you to have horrible shots. Instead, always let your head follow the ball. Whenever the ball leaves the ground so should your head. Your head is habituated to your body, thus allow it to be as free as your arms, legs, hips and feet. It’s okay for your head to move with the golf ball, actually, it’s recommended.

How to Prepare For a Golf Tournament

How to Prepare For a Golf Tournament

Your club's Match Play or Club Championship is coming up, so how do you get your game in shape? Your tournament will not have grand stands and TV cameras but do not think you will not feel the pressure. With a little thought and preparation, you can give yourself the needed confidence to beat your archrival, win the Club Championship or Match Play tournament.

Granted with your tournament nerves, you are probably not going to be swinging as smooth as Ernie Els when the big day arrives. Now is NOT the time to start messing with your golf swing. I repeat. It is NOT the time to make any major golf swing changes. First of all this is supposed to be fun. You know, better than anyone, your own tendencies. Depending on how much time you have before your golf tournament, chances are you are going to have to find a way to play with what you got. This is fine.

Most of the types of tournaments are flighted. This means players with similar handicaps are pitted against each other. What you can do is check your basics. Review your posture, grip, alignment, and ball position and insure they are in the best shape they can be for your game. Hitting balls is fine but do not go overboard on making changes. The most effective thing you can work on is your swing tempo and insuring that your golf swing is in balance. You can do this by simply counting to three once you finish your golf swing.

Since the average of greens hit in regulation on the PGA Tour is only twelve, you will miss some greens during your round. Set up a practice schedule for your short game up until the golf tournament. You can go out in the evenings when the course is quiet. Go from green to green hitting multiple pitch and chip shots from all around the green. In addition, choose a couple of "nasty" lies just in case you hit a good shot that ends up in a bad place. Although the ultimate goal is to hole the ball, sometime you may need to play away from the hole to be able to make the next shot easier.

Spend most of your time on the practice putting green working on short putts,very short putts. Hit as many two to three foot putts as you can. This does a couple of things for you. First it gives you confidence to see the ball go in the hole over and over again. Second, you will be able to see if you are starting the golf ball on the correct line.

Do not forget to take a look at your golf equipment. Are your grips in good shape? Do they need replaced? If your grips do not need to be replaced, scrub them vigorously with a stiff brush. Use a solution of warm water and dishwashing soap with a degreaser to clean your grips. The degreaser will help remove the oil and dirt buildup that accumulates from your hands over a period of time. Rinse your grips well and pat dry with a towel.

The tournament day is here! Go through your normal warm up. Hit a few pitches, and make sure before you leave the practice green you make about five or ten two footers in a row. Seeing and hearing the ball go in the hole will give you great confidence as you head to the golf course.

The Four Basics of Any Golf Swing, Back Swing

The Four Basics of Any Golf Swing

When thinking about the basics of the golf swing, we usually think about ball position, stance, grip, and so on. In other words, we think about the swing's physical mechanics. That's only natural, because its what most golf pros focus on in their golf lessons and what golf magazines highlight in their articles on the golf swing. It's what I write about the most in the golf tips as well.

Not everyone agrees that these are the true basics of the golf swing. For many, the true basics of the swing are something quite different, something that has nothing to do with the physical mechanics of the swing. For these people, a swing's true basics are four components-plane, centering, radius, and face. Golf instruction sessions focusing on these concepts are as helpful as golf lessons on the swing's mechanics, maybe even more helpful

The Plane

The Most golfers have heard of the concept of plane, but are confused as to how it applies to the golf swing. Plane is defined by the angle your club creates when it is ground at address. To master accuracy, the club must remain on this plane, especially while it approaches the ball on the downswing. (Actually, two planes-one formed by the takeaway and the other by the downswing-are involved in swinging a club, but the second plane is key.) This plane is the most powerful and direct route to the swing, as I discuss in my golf tips. Coming back to the ball above or below this plane results in pulls and slices.

The Centering
Every swing has a center to it, a foundation defined by your head and your spine. If you want to hit accurate golf shots, this foundation must remain steady. Watch Tiger or any of the pros on TV and you'll see how steady their heads and spines remain throughout their swings. This foundation has two angles to it. One is the angle your spine creates with your hips at address. The other involves the lateral movement of your head. Focus on preventing both your head from moving unnaturally one way or the other and your spine from moving up or down, and you will produce better results.

Radius is the distance between the lead shoulder and the clubhead. You must keep radius intact, if you want to hit good quality shots. The key is releasing your wrists at the right time. Most amateurs release their wrists early, forcing the shaft ahead of the lead arm before impact. An early release causes you to hit the ball thin, or even worse, mis-hit it altogether. If you execute the proper sequence of movements in the downswing, you'll maintain radius.

The Face
The ball travels in the direction in which your clubface is pointing at the moment of impact, minus the effect of sidespin. You must attain the same clubface position at impact that you establish at address, which is why you need to align your club properly. The key to doing this is matching the position of your hands at impact with the position of your hands at address. If you grip the club on the right side of the shaft, your hands must be on the right side of the club when you hit the ball; otherwise, you'll mis-hit.

The Conclusion
Is one basic more important than another? Not really, as I tell players who take my golf lessons. They all must be executed properly, if you want to achieve a powerful, repeatable swing. Now that you are aware of them and how they contribute to your swing, try filming yourself some day and see how well you maintain them during your swing. Also note how well you hit the ball.

Plane, centering, radius, and face-these aren't the usual basics you talk about when discussing the golf swing, but they are critical. While the physical mechanics of the swing, like ball position, stance, and grip, are key, so are these four components. Master both sets and you'll achieve accuracy and consistency every time, lowering your golf handicap in the process.
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